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James is Ten.jpg
This paper advertisement from The Guide newspaper's Februrary 15, 1981 issue invites readers to watch a 6:00 PM showing of The Sky Is Gray by author Ernest J. Gaines. The text contains a short plot summary, names the primary actors and the author,…

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Prisoners are photographed in the Angola Penitentiary

Plantation Painting .jpeg
A painting of The Shadows on the Tech Plantation, Greek Revival, antebellum home. The focal point is the Cypress trees with hanging Spanish Moss.

Alice Gaston Alabama 1941 short mp3.mp3
An excerpt of an interview conducted with Alice Gaston, a formerly enslaved person in Gee's Bend, Alabama

Justin C II clip mp3.mp3
Justin Calais, Christian Calais, and Alice Wilson have an informal conversation about friends and family.

A depiction of what a lower-class bedroom would have looked like in the Victorian era, this bedroom shows just how poorly the victims of the Jack the Ripper killings were living prior to their deaths. The rusted metal bedframe with a straw mattress…

day dream.jpg
This surrealistic photograph was taken in a studio where the actress Diana Churchill posed on a stage with the background already made up. The photograph is just as the scene was in real life. There were no touch ups made to create the fantasy scene.…

Omeka Mama.mp3
Augustine T. Wilson talks about her experience with her seventh-grade teacher, Mr. Ralph Williams

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Two viewers write to the tv-radio columnist, Bettelou Peterson, trying to settle their bet on whether or not the film adaptation of "The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman" is based on a real person or not. They particularly want to know if the story…

Billy McCrea Texas 1940 1min mp3.mp3
xcerpt of Interview with Uncle Billy McCrea, Jasper, Texas, 1940 (part 2 of 2). Transcript: Yes, yes. Now I'll tell you when slavery, way back in slavery time, I was standing at, that's when the Negro was free. I would, we all would go out every day,…
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